2020 Lessons for 2021

I gotta be honest. The older I get, the more I realize that life (and our hearts, souls, relationships) don’t operate according to calendar dates. We are the same person now as we were 5 days ago. But, alas, the start of the year always makes me more reflective and planny-ish. Over the last week, I took a few moments to reflect on some of the unique lessons I learned in this unique last year. I hope to apply some of what I learned this year, in 2021. Here are some of my big lessons:

  1. Politics Matter and have tons of power and impact on all of our lives and relationships (stop acting like they don’t). Oh and by the way, Jesus was VERY into politics.

  2. Humans are unfathomably flexible and creative (especially evident when pandemics come along).

  3. Five people CAN “work” from one modest house for a year and still love each other.

  4. Making money can change you for the better, not the worse, making you more of who you are…allowing you to step deeper into your true identity. Stop demonizing money.

  5. Ministry and business are false categories! Chew on that. We have LOTS of false categories, actually.

  6. Sometimes big decisions aren’t as big as we think and if we make them (instead of making excuses), they make a ton of difference.

  7. The more you give something away for others to share in it, the more it means to you (Integer).

  8. Accept being misunderstood- it will never stop.

  9. I can be a part of a church and not be in leadership- or even wish I were.

  10. The pace of the clock increases each year...cherish my wife and kids because they are FLYING by.

Random, I know. But these lessons have meant something to me this year. Maybe a few encourage you too. Happy 2021!


Ten Years After "Pastoring"

Preaching circa 2008

Preaching circa 2008

“Are you still a Pastor?” I was asked this question yesterday by a dear older lady from the church I used to lead. What’s the answer? I don’t know. Am I? Am I not? I mean, I have the card in my wallet and an ordination plaque on my wall. I am part of our group of district pastors. But, do I “pastor” people? I don’t know. Ask the people in my life. Ask my family. Ask the Integer Network team I lead. I think they would be the only ones with the authority to answer that question. 

What I do know is that her question made me reflect. What I do know is that this month marks TEN YEARS since “leaving the Pastorate” and it’s taken me most of the last decade to figure out who I actually am!!  What I also know is that the vocational role of “Pastor,” if understood as leading a church and preaching every Sunday, had a way of convoluting my identity like nothing else I’ve experienced in my life. It was a Job. But I mistook it for my personhood.  I am still not totally sure what it is or why this happens. But what I experienced (and many other Pastors I know have also experienced) is that “Pastor” becomes WHO YOU ARE, not what you do. And here’s the deal: our identity can only be found in WHO we are, not WHAT job we work or role we carry out. That simply just never works! Roles can feed our sense of self but cannot serve as our center, our foundation. The only root that lasts is our belovedness and value given to us by God, who declares us fully loved and completely accepted, with or without any role. 

I miss many things about “Pastoring”- communicating weekly, leading a community of faith, loving so many people, caring for a team of other leaders, seeing people grow and transform in faith….but I do not miss being blind. I do not miss the way my ego stayed unchecked and hidden. I do not miss the confusion I lived with about who I actually was. I do not miss the ridiculous expectations others carried for the holy man. And I am NOT suggesting that this is the experience of every Pastor. I know it isn’t. It was MY experience. And I have spent the last ten years finding Noah. And I like him, whether he leads anything or not! Whether he is on a stage or not. In fact, I am busy discovering things I never knew I liked. And I am having so much fun and living with more freedom than I ever have in my life.

The future is bright. And I reckon I will “Pastor” for the rest of my life…if Pastoring means loving people and shepherding their hearts. If it is about caring for, teaching and protecting people, count me in! So, I guess the answer is yes. Ten years later, I am still a Pastor. In fact, I feel more capable of loving more deeply today than I ever have. So, maybe I am more of a Pastor now than I have ever been. 

Am I still a Pastor? Yep. Yes, I am. 

4 Things Constraint Therapy Is Teaching Me


Over the last year, Graceson’s rehabilitation progress has pretty much plateaued. In a search for other options to keep him developing, his overseeing medical team suggested Constraint Therapy. So, the entire month of February, Graceson is participating in a Constraint Therapy Program at KKI in Baltimore. He just finished his first week and we have already learned a ton. First, let me say, he is doing SO well. Basically, they put a cast on his good arm, force him to use his bad arm, and require him to have 3 hours of therapy EVERY day in Baltimore for one whole month. It is intense! But, frankly, it is all way harder for US than him! Hard schedule. Hard to watch. He is a champion…resilient, positive, brave and spirited. We hope it makes the impact we long for. 

My mind has been active this week taking in the various lessons this experience is already teaching me. I would like to share some of them with you. 

  1. We all prefer what’s easy. Ever since Graceson experienced his stroke in 2017, he prefers to use his left arm, hand and leg for most things. He uses righty when he HAS to. His brain can communicate much faster and clearer with his left side, so he prefers what’s easy. And so do you and I. We do this all the time without even knowing it. Every day we are making subconscious choices to do what’s easy. We just don’t see it and no one is pointing it out. 

  2. We can do more than we think we can. We are the ones that place these limits on ourselves. We can always do more than we think we can. The only thing stopping us is our brain! Graceson’s brain is limiting him in a way that is noticeable. Your brain and mine are playing sneaky tricks on us all the time convincing us that we cant do things that we absolutely can. 

  3. You can rewire your brain in 30 days if you are willing to be pushed. So, being in constraint therapy with Graceson this month is teaching me a really important lesson…if you are willing to be limited and pushed in the short term, there is big payoff in the long term. For 30 days Graceson will be blocked from using his left arm and hand. And it is frustrating. But as he pushes through, his brain is literally creating new pathways for what’s possible. He is discovering things he can do with his righty that he never knew were possible. The same thing would happen for you and I if we were willing to tolerate something extreme to stretch us. 

  4. Be careful. Things are sometimes the exact opposite of what they look like. The day he got casted and finished his first treatment, I took Graceson to Five Below to pick a toy out. As we approached the checkout counter, the cashier said harmlessly “What happened buddy? How did you hurt your arm?” Graceson looked at me with a mix of fear and confusion. “What do I say, Daddy?” I guided him through it and walked out realizing a big lesson. Sometimes things are OPPOSITE what they look like. In this case, that is 100% true. He actually “hurt” the arm without the cast and the one with the cast is perfectly fine. Tuck this lesson away. You may need it someday. 

A final word… Other than my son, Graceson is two things for me: My hero and my teacher. There are so many ways that I look up to him and there are tons of things I am learning from him. Tricia and I don’t know what the future holds for him or where all of this is going, but I got a feeling. And it’s a good one. 

PS: Shout to our adopted Parents Joni and Pat Kellar who are sharing this load with us. Without them, we are dead in the water. How we love them.

International Trip Gifts


I’ve lost track of how many international trips I’ve taken in the last decade. They are often and mostly focused on serving others through relationship, teaching, empowering, coaching, etc. I try to be careful not to brag on the “doing.” I don’t want the work done and love shown to be lessened by my need for ego and affirmation. I’m working for a much higher cause. However, each journey does all kinds of things TO me, FOR me and IN me. I not only give, but profoundly receive. I’ve noticed the following each time I go and return:

Inner renewal. It’s always hard work, but different work. A reset of sorts happens. I can literally measure the differences inside me on a return flight. Hard to explain, but impossible to deny. 

Fresh perspective. On the world. On suffering. About my troubles and worries. About what’s important and what isn’t. I’m walking away from this one with some clear and new perspective for Integer East Africa!

Deeper appreciation. For my wife. For my kids. For the fiends I have around the world. For the sheer joy of the opportunity to do what I do. 

New frustrations. With how I’ve forgotten the reality of many in our world. With myself and my fellow privileged friends who care about luxuries as if they are necessities. With local people I visit and how their thinking or culture limits their future. 

Helpful reframing. Of what is and is not important. Of the last season. For the coming season. For what must stop and what must start. Nothing polishes and purges a task list and calendar like 2 weeks in the big world. 

Emotional funkies. It always takes a few days to make sense of my heart. And experiences. And feelings. I’ve learned to write out, organize and process what I’m experiencing. This helps it matter more and stick longer. 

Maybe these thoughts can help you too. Grace and peace.

Hopes For The New Decade: 2020-2030


Thoughts from January 1, 2020…

Here we go. A new year and a new decade starts today. In one sense it’s just another day. The stuff that matters most in life is unaware of a calendar. But yet, it IS significant to us. I like to think in seasons. Here’s a small window into a few things that I WILL mark this decade with. Did you catch that? I will. We can’t rely on other people or our tentativeness to live the life we dream of. It’s YOU. And it’s NOW. And it’s YES. Here’s some of my focus areas. 

1. Life Enjoyment. This shall, and I mean shall, include getting healthy, becoming more active, doing outdoor things I’ve never believed possible, playing more, traveling more for fun and not just work and making way more “experience memories” with my wife and kids. This last decade was way too serious. 🤙🏼🌅

2. Intentional Communication. I’ll do tons more public communication output through speaking, writing, videos, podcasts and whatever new medium we start using this decade. I feel ready to share more deeply, frequently and broadly out of who I am and what I’ve learned and am learning. I’m turning it up. 🎤🖊 

3. Continued Inner Work. With my level of output, input becomes even more important. I’m so deeply aware that my heart needs care, my soul needs tending to, my motivations needs regularly examined and I need the precious and strong work of wise counselors and Holy Spirit to be ever at work in me. Formation didn’t just mark the last decade. It will mark this next one too! Until death. ❤️

4. Grow my professional network and shrink my personal network. Wish me luck. I need more “clients” and less “friends.” I’ve stretched myself too thin relationally (for some good and some unhealthy reasons) and it’s not benefiting me or my friends. We both deserve better. Maybe since I’ve been so good at making friends, I’ll apply #2 above and teach others how to live more relationally. 😉

5. Integer Impact. In this decade Integer Network will grow exponentially and far beyond my reach and grasp. Thousands of leaders and teams wiIl be coached into transforming levels of authenticity and wholeness. Since the day I founded it, I’ve listened to God’s nudge to let her grow naturally and not force her to happen for my own name and gain. Many others will lead, shape and expand Integer Network this decade and there will be massive global impact. It’s gonna be a blast. 🌎

Reflections from the Last Decade: 2010-2020

Thoughts from December 31, 2019…


Today is the end of a decade. This time in 2009 we were post-sabbatical and pre-resignation from the Pastorate. Within this last decade our family has lived in 3 nations and traversed the earth. We have been loved, shaped and changed in ways we could’ve never imagined possible. We’ve experienced great success and major crisis. As I wrap of this decade I summarize it with 4 words:

Crucible: This last decade has been a crucible for Tricia and I. A time of deepening work and intense attention to our inner lives and places of pain. We have found and faced tons of mess inside our tender little hearts. 

Formed: Through it we’ve been formed. We are completely different humans. Africa alone can change you. Add in loss, pain, suffering, death, sickness, exposure, success, wins, influence, a global network of relationships and you get a recipe for major FORMation. 

Saved: I was saved 100 times as a child. But, I feel like I have been saved again in the last 5-10 years. I found a God I hadn’t met before. I rediscovered Jesus...and it felt like it was the first time. He saved me...again. I feel saved from destroying myself through ego. Saved from ruining my future and my family by living and leading for all the wrong motivations. And saved from theology that was harmful and hopeless. A new theology has ushered in a new identity in me. And holy wow, it’s been a gift. 

Ready: Ready to rock and roll. Ready to live with remarkable intention. Ready to step into this next decade a new person. Ready to keep on loving, growing and facing my shit...so I can keep loving others well. We feel ready. Ready for whatever comes. Ready to say yes to what is FOR us and ready to say NO to what is not. Ready to live more others-centered and Jesus-inspired than ever before. 

Remembering Dad

On Friday, August 17, our Father, Joseph Kaye peacefully transitioned from his time on this earth. He was more than a good man. HERE is Dad's obituary and HERE is a tribute I wrote to him 8 years ago on a Father's Day. How we miss him already! 

Yesterday, we had the most amazing celebration of his life...it was perfect in every way. My Brother's songs, my sisters word's and singing, the message from our Pastor, the poems and verses and memories...it was all so wonderful.  I was honored to give the Eulogy and I thought I would share it here. Thank you to each of you that have expressed love through words, gifts and presence. 

The Life of the Beloved


"The Life of the Beloved" by Henri Nouwen remains one of the most influential books of my life. I read it at a time when I was solidifying some important identity questions in my heart. I thought it was time to reread it repost some of the pearls from this book again. Enjoy and receive! Read it slow and take it in. I will tweet from this book over the next week.


When we have come to believe in the voices that call us worthless and unlovable, then success, popularity, and power are easily perceived as attractive solutions. The real trap, however, is self-rejection. Sure, popularity and power can present a great temptation, but their seductive quality often comes from the way they are part of the much larger temptation to self-rejection.

Maybe you think you are more tempted by arrogance than by self-rejection.  But isn't arrogance, actually, the other side of self-rejection? Isn't arrogance putting yourself on a pedestal to avoid being seen as you see yourself? Isn't arrogance just another way of dealing with the feelings of worthlessness? Beneath our arrogance their lives much self-doubt, just as there is a great amount of pride even in our self-rejection. Whether I am inflated or deflated, I lose touch with the truth and distort my vision of reality.

Self-rejection is the greatest enemy of the spiritual life because it contradicts the sacred voice that calls us the beloved.

That soft, gentle voice that calls me the Beloved has come to me in countless ways. My parents, friends, teachers, students, and the many strangers who crossed my path have all sounded that voice in different tones. I have been cared for by many people with much tenderness and gentleness. I have been taught and instructed with much patience and perseverance. I have been encouraged to keep going when I was ready to give up and was stimulated to try again when I failed. I have been rewarded and praised for success… But, somehow, all of these signs of love were not sufficient to convince me that I was the beloved. Beneath all my seemingly strong self-confidence there remained the question: if all those who shower me with so much attention could see and know me and my innermost self, would they still love me? That agonizing question, rooted in my inner shadow, kept persecuting me and made me run away from the very place where the quiet voice calling me the Beloved could be heard. I think you understand what I am talking about. Are you, like me, hoping that some person, thing, or event will come along to give you that final feeling of inner well-being you desire? Don't you often hope: maybe this book, idea, course, trip, job, country, or relationship will fulfill my deepest desire. But as long as you are waiting for that mysterious moment you'll go on running helter-skelter, always anxious and restless, always lustful and angry, never fully satisfied. You know that this is the compulsiveness that keeps us going and busy, but at the same time makes us wonder whether we are getting anywhere in the long run. This is the way to spiritual exhaustion and burnout. This is the way to spiritual death!

We don't have to kill ourselves. We are the beloved. We are intimately loved long before our parents, teachers, spouses, children, and friends loved or wounded us. That's the truth of our lives!

When the deep reality that we are the beloved of Jesus sinks fully into our hearts, what follows is that it has to become visible and tangible in the way to eat and drink, talk and love, play and work. When the deepest currents of our life no longer have any influence on the waves at the surface, then our vitality will eventually ebb, and we will end up lifeless and bored even when we are busy.

There are four primary words that I have used to identify the movements of the spirit in our lives. Those words are taken, blessed, broken and given. These words summarize my life as a priest because each day, when I come together around the table with members of my community, I take bread, bless it, break it, and give it. These words also summarize my life as a Christian because, as a Christian, I'm called to become bread for the world: bread that is taken, blessed, broken, and given. Most importantly however, they summarize my life as a human being because of every moment of my life somewhere, somehow the taking, the blessing, the breaking, and the giving are happening. Only gradually has their meaning become known to me, and I feel that I won't ever know their full potential. They are the most personal as well as the most universal words. Express the most spiritual as well as the most secular truth. They speak about the most divine as well as the most human behavior. They reach high as well as low, embrace God as well as people. This is simply to express the complexity of life and embrace it's ever unfolding mystery. They are the keys to understanding not only the lives of the great prophets of Israel and the life of Jesus of Nazareth, but also our own lives. I have chosen them not only because they are so deeply engraved in my being but also because, through them, I have become in touch with the ways of becoming the beloved.


We are taken… Chosen. But, often I have tried to show or prove that I was just me and that I have no desire to be put on a pedestal were treated as a special person. When you are treated as the chosen one, you are as liable to be persecuted as admired.

Here's a great spiritual mystery: to be chosen does not mean that others are rejected. It is very hard to conceive of this in a competitive world such as ours. All my memories of being chosen are linked to memories of others not being chosen. To be chosen as the beloved of God is something radically different. Instead of excluding others, it includes others. Instead of rejecting others as less valuable, it accepts others in their own uniqueness. It is not a competitive, but a compassionate choice. Our minds have great difficulty in coming to grips with reality. Maybe our minds will never understand it. Perhaps it is only our hearts that can accomplish this.

As long as we allow our parents, siblings, teachers, friends, and lovers to determine whether we are chosen or not, we are caught in the net of the suffocating world that accepts or rejects us according to its own agenda of effectiveness and control.

The great spiritual battle begins-and never ends-with the reclaiming of our chosenness.

When we get in touch with our own chosen status, we are then able to truly see how others are chosen and to celebrate and draw their gifts as well… Leading to indescribably beautiful friendship.

Your life and my life are, each of them, one of a kind. No one has ever lived your life or my life before, and no one will ever live them again. Our lives are unique stones in the mosaic of human existence - priceless and irreplaceable.


We all need and value blessing. Literally means speaking well or saying good things of someone. We all need some of that. We often talk about the need for affirmation. Without affirmation, it is hard to live well. To give someone a blessing is the most significant affirmation.  It is more than words of appreciation, it is more than pointing out someone's talents or good deeds, it is more than putting someone in the light. To give a blessing is to say yes to a person's belovedness. More than that: to give a blessing creates the reality of which it speaks.

One day we feel great, the next we feel miserable. One day we are full of new ideas, the next everything looks bleak and dull. One day we think we can take on the whole world, but the next even a little request seems too much for us. These mood swings show that we no longer hear the blessing that was heard by Abraham and Sarah, Isaac and Rebecca, Jacob and Leah and Rachel, and Jesus of Nazareth and that we, too, are to hear.  When we are thrown up and down by the little waves on the surface of our existence, we become easy victims of our manipulative world, but, when we continue to hear the deep gentle voice that blesses us, we can walk through life with a stable sense of well-being and true belonging.

We practically work out and claim our blessedness through prayer and presence.

I have read and written much of prayer, but when I go to a quiet place to pray, I realize, although I have a tendency to say many things to God, the real work of prayer is to become silent and listen to the voice that says good things about me.

This might sound self-indulgent, but in practice, it is a hard discipline. I'm so afraid of being cursed, hearing that I am no good or not good enough, that I quickly give in to the temptation to start talking and to keep talking in order to control my fears. This focus is very hard work. It is not easy to enter into the silence and reach beyond the many demanding voices of our world and to discover that there is a small intimate voice saying "you are my beloved child and on you my favorite rests."  It's not to say that this will ever be a voice you will hear with bodily ears. I am not speaking about a hallucinating voice, but a voice that can be heard by the ear of faith, the ear of the inner heart.

Many people get very distracted in prayer. But if you will spend 30 minutes per day listening to the voice of love, you will gradually discover that something is happening of which you were not even aware.

We must also be present in order to receive blessings. They are all around us! But we have to actively choose to "waste" our time to receive them. Are we too busy on our way to important things to receive the blessings that Jesus is built-in for us each day?

Once we accept fully that we are chosen and that we are blessed, we are now ready to embrace ours and others brokenness.


The leaders and prophets of Israel, who were clearly chosen and blessed, all lived very broken lives. And we, beloved sons and daughters of God, cannot escape our brokenness either.

Our brokenness is always lived and experienced in a highly personal, and unique way. I am deeply convinced that each human being suffers in a way that no other human being suffers. Sure, we can make comparisons, we can talk about more or less suffering, but in the final analysis, your pain and my pain are so deeply personal that comparing them can scarcely bring any comfort or consolation.

Our brokenness is truly ours. And truly unique. Just as we have to claim our unique chosenness and unique blessedness, we have to do the same of our unique brokenness. Physical suffering pales in the face of a broken heart. It's the brokenness of heart we are talking about and that most impacts the earth.

The first step to healing is not a step away from the pain, but a step toward it.

The deep truth is that our human suffering need not be an obstacle to the joy and peace we so desire, but can become, instead, the means to it.

As strange as it seems, we must embrace our brokenness and step into it… For we are not alone.

The great spiritual call of the beloved children of God is to pull their brokenness away from the shadow of the curse and put it under the light of the blessing. We must allow the blessing to touch us in our brokenness. Then our brokenness will gradually come to be seen as an opening toward the full acceptance of ourselves as the beloved.

I never realized that broken glass could shine so brightly.


Our greatest fulfillment lies in giving ourselves to others.

It is sad to see that, in our highly competitive and greedy world, we have lost touch with the joy of giving. True joy, happiness, and inner peace come from the giving of ourselves to others. A happy life is a life lived for others.

There is a mysterious link between our brokenness and our ability to give to each other. The times of our lives where we feel like we have the least to offer are often the times that make us able to give more instead of less. Our brokenness opens us to a deeper way of sharing our lives and offering each other hope.

Just as bread needs to be broken in order to be given, so, too, do our lives!

Think of how we share meals together. If there is conflict, the meal is torture. But where there is beautiful relationship the meal is a life-giving honor.

Don't you think that our desire to eat together is an expression of our even deeper desire to be food for one another? Don't we sometimes say: "that was a very nurturing conversation. That was a refreshing time"?


1. Giving yourself in life...

The real question is not "what can we offer each other" but "who can we be for each other"?

There is a big difference between talents and gifts. We have a few talents, but many gifts. Talents focus on what you can do while gifts focus on who you are. The true gifts that are in us often remain buried beneath our talents.

2. Giving yourself in death…

For those who know they are chosen, blessed and broken to be given, dying is a way of becoming pure gift.

Yes, there is such a thing as a good death. We ourselves are responsible for the way we die. We have to choose between clinging to life in such a way that death becomes nothing but a failure, or letting go of life and freedom so that we can be given to others as a source of hope.

Our years on this earth are like a little seed planted in a very rich soil. For this seed to bear fruit, it must die. We often see or feel only the dying but the harvest the abundant even when we ourselves are not the harvesters.


The world is evil only the when you become enslaved to it. The great struggle facing us is not to leave the world, to reject our ambitions and aspirations, or to despise money and success, but to claim your spiritual truth and to live in the world as someone who does not belong to it.

The world may be a source of survival, but it will never be a source of life.  The world and its strategies may help you survive for a long time, but they cannot help you live, because the world is not the source even of its own life, let alone yours.

We must live the life of the BELOVED!

Victim to Victory


Yesterday was Memorial Day in the USA. But I "memorialize" it for another reason.

Last year on Memorial Day (May 29, 2017) our family touched down from Kenya with a sick little boy in tow and we headed straight from Dulles Airport to Baltimore where Graceson would spend the next month being treated following his stroke. 

Then, yesterday, Memorial Day (May 28, 2018) I touched down at Dulles airport again at almost the exact hour as I had a year ago! But instead of going to the hospital, I went HOME...to our new HOME...where I found my precious kids and beautiful wife running into my arms. And instead of being in crisis, they are settled on the inside and beautifully adjusted to this new leg of our journey together. Home has always been where Mommy and Daddy are. And it still is. 

There were times this year where we felt deep pain, anger, frustration, loss...like a victim. (Here were my thoughts only Three Months Later.) But these last two weeks I just spent in Africa felt like a "victory dance"!  To quote the somewhat cheesy, chanty song "Enemy's Camp" -- I felt like I went back into the land to "take back what he stole from me!" (Except Tanzania is far from the enemy's camp, but a land I love deeply.) 

When I try to explain this process to people, the best words seem to be this: "our bodies are back in the states, but my heart is still trying to catch up." I felt something shift this last week. My heart crossed the line. After many tears and a hard year, I think I am ready to cooperate on the inside. 

When I watch this video that we posted 6 months ago, I marvel at all that has happened since. I am so excited for the kids and the way they are all developing! And for Tricia and the way she is alive again back in the classroom-- she is like a blossoming flower on the inside and outside. And I am so very, very pleased with how Integer Network is taking shape. 

We did it, guys! And you helped us. Countless prayers. Amazing support. And a God that is a Good Father, a Great Shepherd that is ever by our side. 

In one year, we have moved from victim to victory!! 

Why don't "Christian kids" become "Christian adults"


The reality is, there are many reasons. Some very painful and sometimes, nearly impossible to pinpoint. Here, I want to address one that I have seen a few too many times throughout my journey. 

Inauthenticity. Two faced parents. 

I have heard accusations and read studies of how children who grew up in a ministry or Christian family are often the most likely to rebel and walk off from the “faith” of their parents. I’ve watched and wondered. I’ve seen it over and over again. But, then I have also seen the other side… Kids that absolutely go for it and carry their parents faith even further! 

And here’s what I’ve observed:

When “Christian” parents act “Christian” when others are around, and unchristian at home when no one is watching, kids see it, hate it and say “no thank you” to this fake shit. And they rebel and run off looking for something honest. 

When we model equal amounts of “Christian” no matter where we are or who is around, kids see a faith that is embodied, real and attractive. They want it, keep it and go even further than we could. They know it's something honest. 

Yet ANOTHER reason I’m pioneering Integer Network with a hope for eradicating fakeness and creating authentic people that model and live authentic faith. I keep seeing the costs of inauthenticity biting us again and again. 

God, help us to learn honesty and vulnerability. 

(One day I would LOVE to find the time to develop content and teaching around this to help people see it and change it, so that our kids don't blame God for something he never did or someone he never was.)

Financial Partnership with Integer Network


Here is a moment of honest sharing: We need financial partners to back us as donors as we start Integer Network! Maybe you want to be one of them? Simply put, if you feel that inauthentic and broken leaders and teams are hurting the church and the cause of Christ and you want to see them be real and whole, Integer would be a great place to invest some resources. 

More honesty: After more than 7 years of being fundraising missionaries, it would have been a nice treat to just "take a ministry job" somewhere that came with a salary and some security...but that was NOT what I heard from the Lord when we asked "what's next"? So, we jumped out in faith that if we started a ministry initiative consistent with my calling and God's leading, that the finances would follow. Fear isn't one of my biggest struggles, but I will say...this step has required lots of faith to combat the fear that lingers around the corner! As with any new venture, there is always risk. 

Ministry or Business? Some have asked...is Integer Network a business or a ministry? It is a ministry and we answer that question very thoroughly right HERE. 

The financial plan: Integer Network will function from the following income streams (in order of amounts):

  1. Donors making charitable contributions to the ministry which makes it possible to coach, train and mentor leaders both in the USA and abroad. 
  2. Clients paying for coaching services.
  3. Churches and teams hiring Integer for workshops, events and staff development. 

Money donated or generated will be spent in the following ways (in order of amounts):

  1. Staff Salaries 
  2. International Leadership Development 
  3. Administrative Costs for coaching and events 

Integer Network has an overseeing Board of Directors that has already begun functioning to provide accountability and wisdom to our decisions and development. Will introduce them soon over at the Integer Blog. 

We have made the giving process as easy as possible right here at the Integer Website where you can make one time gifts or establish recurring monthly gifts. Just click HERE. 

Thank you for joining in the early stages of a much needed network that will bring freedom and healing to many people! 

4 ways to actually love people


After traveling many places and making many friends with people from wildly different backgrounds and cultures, I asked myself: "What worked everywhere?" I took time to examine the patterns and behaviors that seemed to break down the real and imagined walls that naturally separate me from others. At the end of the day, I discovered it was really just love. Love breaks down walls. So, here are 4 great ways to actually and practically love people:

  1. Ask, don't assume! Ask questions. Ask good questions. Ask non-googleable questions. Ask because you actually care and really want to know. Ask to learn about the other. Ask to clarify misunderstanding. Do not guess and assume you just know. Asking questions draws the other out and allows them to form their own story instead of you assuming you already know it. A good question can feel like a rare gift. Proverbs 20:5 says that they heart of a person is like a deep well; one who has insight draws it out. 
  2. Listen, don't lecture! If you ask good questions, but don't practice deep listening, you haven't loved, you've patronized. Secondly, lectures belong in a classroom...leave them there. They do not belong in interpersonal relationships. Hold your convictions, don't distribute them. We hold our beliefs, we distribute mercy, grace and compassion. No one else is nearly as concerned with your opinions as you think they are. Listen well, listen deep, listen long, listen for what is said, listen for what isn't. Often the thing you waited most patiently to hear is the thing that impacts you most deeply. 
  3. Authenticity, not acting! From the home of Syrian refugees to a village in rural western Kenya to the Maasai of Tanzania to the Afrikaners of South Africa, real works. In America, real works. People do not feel loved when you hide and deceive. However, everyone values truth...it is part of the God image in all of creation. Be real and people feel loved. Be fake and people feel handled and mistreated. Truth is attractive and honesty builds trust. Entrusting people with who you actually are is a brilliant way to communicate love. 
  4. Compassion, not comfort! As I said before, we hold our convictions, we distribute compassion and grace. It is an unavoidable reality that people hard to love are hard to be around. Hence, your comfort cannot be your priority. Love is a stronger and better cause than comfort and ease. If followers of Jesus want to actually emulate Jesus, we better get way more comfortable with being uncomfortable. 

Now, go try these four. You'll be astounded at how well they work together. 

Learning from addicts

Lately I have been thinking a lot about authenticity. It’s what you do when you are launching a leadership network with that focus. As one who values REAL, I love to find it on display in others. 

I spent this past weekend at a ministry in Kentucky restoring addicts…men who have just come off the street, out of jail, off of cocaine, etc. It has been a long time since I have been so refreshed! What a blast to be among real people, with real problems who really admit them. When everything is out in the open, there is nothing to hide. When you have done the worst, everything under that is fair game. When your offenses are in the public, you no longer need to hide in private. 

I think us holy Christians have a LOT to learn from addicts. We have been so good at creating rules, doctrines, lines and boxes that we can easily become professional hiders. The rules we make and enforce naturally create fear for what happens when we break them. We are prone to put so much energy into maintaining our (fake) perfections that we don’t talk freely about our (real) imperfections. We don’t want to be kicked out. None of us like being excluded. 

An atmosphere of grace and a room full of addicts turning to Jesus is a sure recipe for authenticity if I’ve ever seen one.

Don’t Push It


We all like to get our way. We naturally think our ideas and plans are good ones and want to make them happen. That’s just normal. But there’s something I’ve observed in my own life that I thought might be helpful to share with you.

Most of the time when we have to push really hard to get our idea to happen, it’s probably not the right idea, the best plan or the right time.

You know what I’m talking about… You feel like you have to sell the concept. When people offer what feels like oppositional feedback, there is an inner feeling of defensiveness that leads you to begin pushing and explaining why this thing really should happen. When we have to sell it, and spin it and push it, it should immediately throw up a yellow flag in our soul.

Wisdom is a really beautiful gift. She flows into our hearts and minds through the many streams around us. When we fight against the current, it’s tiring and probably a sign that we should stop and rest. A better idea or better timing is up ahead.

Don’t just barrel forward with your great idea when wisdom is whispering to you. There are a million good ideas out there and you’ll get another one soon enough. And perhaps that will be the one that goes flowing down the river with the wind at your back and people standing on the banks cheering you on. Listen to the voices around you.

I’ve pushed too many things in my life that I shouldn’t have. And as a “salesman” by nature, I’ve maneuvered into plenty of things I probably shouldn’t have. Trying to grow here. Let’s go with the flow of favor.

Don’t push it.

Confidence & Humility

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If we struck a balance between a Godly confidence and a Godly Humility…learned to walk in both, it would be a really powerful Jesus type of spirit! Confidence and humility are not opposites or contradictory, but rather hand in hand and a powerful combination for high impact! I meet many people afraid of confidence, worried they might become proud, and holding back the gifts clearly given them by God. It's a shame. 

There is a difference between confidence and arrogance (few people are truly arrogant, most are insecure and masked with false arrogance). And there is also a difference between being humble and being pitiful. In Psalm 51, David gives us a great example of the dance between confidence and humility. David writes this Psalm after committing adultery with Bathsheba and the Psalm kinda goes like this (in my own words):

Humility: God, I messed up please forgive me. Create in me a clean heart and renew a right spirit in me.  

Confidence: I will teach people, they will respond, I will joyfully sing and my mouth will praise!

Humility: But the only sacrifice that you desire is a broken and contrite heart, so make mine so.

Confidence: We will make Zion prosper and rebuild the walls of Jerusalem and we will be back in your grace. 

My short version of the whole Psalm: I am not going to walk around BEATEN UP because I SCREWED UP, but I am going to MOVE ON UP…with a broken and contrite heart!

Confidence, when properly carried can actually lead to incredible humility. The more we feel the weight of our gifts, the more we feel the need for the humility to not misuse them. It leads to meekness which my friend Keith taught me last week is "strength under control."

Leonard Sweet calls this a Jesus Spirit….the bringing together of these 2 powerful dynamics! It is an emptying and a filling. Remember, humility is NOT putting yourself down. And humility is NOT denying your strengths. It is honestly accepting your weaknesses. You strengths are gifts from God to be welcomed and carried out.

I guess the key to a big head is a big heart. 

What belongs in the back seat of your car?

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Most of life's emotions are gifts to us. They guide us, protect us and whisper to us each day. Emotions have a vital role to play. But there are many times when we allow them to play a harmful role or steer us the wrong way. Recently, I came across an idea on a podcast that has impacted me pretty profoundly lately...and at a time I need it! This week I began putting the plow to the field on the next season of my life and work. This is a big moment for us! (Credit for this idea goes to Author Elizabeth Gilbert of 'Eat, Pray Love' fame).

Here's the gist:

Fear is one of our most common emotions. Before beginning any exciting new creative project, we must have a conversation with fear. Look, we need to accept that we can never get rid of Fear — that it follows us along wherever we go, and that it is especially provoked whenever we try to be creative. (This is because Creativity demands that we constantly enter into realms of unknown outcome, and Fear HATES realms of unknown outcome.) So I always explain to Fear that me and Creativity are about to go on a road trip together, and that Fear is invited to come along (since it always comes along, anyway!) and that it has a role to play— but that Fear is not allowed to drive, not allowed to make decisions, not allowed to choose the songs on the radio, not allowed to select the snacks, not allowed to suggest detours. Fear is welcome in the car, in other words — because I do not exile any of the parts of myself along the creative journey — but Fear must sit in the back seat! 

And the same is true of many other partners on the journey. Like Ambition. It can come, but it better get its butt in the back seat, because when ambition drives, we run over tons of pedestrians and neglect things that matter most. Or anxiety. It will come, but get in the back! Or pain. It will come, and it may help us spot a few potholes, but it may not drive!

So, who can you put in the backseat today?

And whose hand needs slapped if it reaches for the radio to play songs you do not want to hear?

Thank You, Dr. Swanson


As most of you know, our 2 year old son, Graceson suffered a stroke at our home in Tanzania back in May of 2017. There were so, so many stories that unfolded during that time, many of which we will probably never be able to even retell. But here is one that I've felt compelled to share. 

It just so happened (God) that a few months after we arrived, we met an American Pediatrician from Minnesota living in Arusha. We took the kids to him and he offered us immense comfort, just knowing he was there. "There", meaning direct access to his cell phone at any given moment, not "there" like in the states. When Graceson became ill and lost function, it was Dr. Swanson that walked us through each step. The man just exudes peace and gentleness and is of the highest caliber workers in his field. It was Dr. Swanson that realized there was some form of swelling on Graceson's brain. It was Dr. Swanson that organized the airplane for the medical evacuation to Kenya. It was Dr. Swanson that we talked to each step of the journey as Graceson received diagnoses in Kenya. It was Dr. Swanson that encouraged us to get Graceson back to the USA. And throughout these many months he has cared, checked in, prayed, advised us and given us perspectives that no other Doctor (even in the states) has offered. Dr. Steve Swanson was one of our great gifts from God to get us through the hardest moment of our lives. And Tricia and I will forever be deeply grateful for him. 

I connected with Dr. Swanson when I was back in Tanzania last month and had the opportunity to hear more about the magnificent work he is doing in Tanzania, a land we love so much. I want to share it with you. You can watch this video below to meet Dr. Swanson and hear more about his work with prematurity in Africa. Enjoy! And donate if you feel so moved

Thank you, Dr. Swanson. One day we will see to it that Graceson visits you and offers his personal gratitude for helping save his life. 

Very sick or premature newborns are rarely given the chance to survive in Africa. Every year, over 15 million babies are born preterm. 1 million babies do not survive. Preterm birth complications are now the leading cause of death among children less than 5 years of age. The NICU at Arusha Lutheran Medical Centre is changing that story. Every breath counts, no matter how small.

Ahsante, Agnes


Today is New Years Eve, the close of a year...a wild adventure for our family indeed...an adventure that took us all places we never expected. Even Agnes. Our precious friend Agnes returns to Tanzania today. Here I want to brag and rejoice over Agnes! We love her so dearly. 

We met Agnes in June of 2015 on an exploratory trip to Tanzania. She had us from “Karibu.” We stayed in touch the year leading up to our move and she met us at our guesthouse in Arusha the morning of June 2, 2016 in the midst of our jet lag and 22 suitcases...and we never looked back. You see, in Tanzanian culture, you hire helpers. It’s unaffordable and almost inappropriate here in the USA. But it’s normal and expected there...and when you’re new to the country, you’d be lost without it. Agnes was one of the team members we hired to help with the house, the kids, the cooking, etc. But we don’t have “staff”, we have family. We have team. Agnes has been with us through it all...language learning, cultural frustration, setting up house in Africa, hundreds of guests, sick kids, countless chickens, motorcycle rides to get Lily from school, market runs, she’s saved us from humiliation and pushed us past our fears. She protected us, served us, challenged us, shaped us, inspired us and loved us like we are her family. 

Then Graceson had the stroke. In an instant we lost her and she lost us. During those dreadful days in Nairobi, Tricia and I asked ourselves “what does Graceson need most?” Our answer was: Agnes! They had formed such a precious bond already. So, we set out, with the help of the Lord and a great friend to get Agnes a passport and a US Visa (a process that could take 3-4 months) and she got both in 30 days! Two days later she was on a plane to us here in the states. And just like that, it’s been over 6 months...in our cozy little apartment with us, taking each step of this journey. She has kept my Swahili sharp, learned way more English, and she is now a physical therapist for the most precious little guy around! Our whole family here has fallen in love with her. Since we couldn’t be in Tanzania, Tanzania came to us! 

Our hearts hurt a lot today, for ourselves and Agnes, but mostly for Graceson. Graceson and Agnes have a very, very special bond. He has no idea what’s about to happen. In fact, just yesterday, Agnes’s aging mother called from Tanzania rejoicing: “we have a name for Graceson, we have a name! It’s Immanuel!” In African culture, when there is a very special relationship like this, they’ll give them their “African name.” Graceson got one yesterday. Graceson Brave Immanuel Kaye  

We hope to have Agnes return in March in order to utilize the remainder of her visa. Mungu anaweza! 

One last thought: after this experience, we will never again in all our lives see cultural differences as barriers that separate, but adhesive that bonds us together! 

Dada Agnes, safari njema, tunawapenda sana sana, na Mungu akubariki sana. Tutaonana. 

Three Parting Words about Africa


As I spend my final days here in Tanzania, I want to openly process some of my thoughts, feelings and learnings about how seven years in Africa changed me forever. I have tried to share lessons and feelings along the way as well so I post them below if you want to read them.

But now, in a tad over one short year in Tanzania, something else profound happened in me— Africa crawled even deeper into my heart than I thought possible. There are many reasons why, but the main one is called: language. Learning the language of another person is like taking two people and glueing them to one another…a great bond is formed and something profound is exchanged. 

It is hard to put my thoughts into words because words seem unable to capture what I feel. But let me just try by sharing some of what I learned and what changed me…using 3 Kiswahili words. 


Hamna Shida.


Karibu! One word. Means everything. You are welcome. You are wanted. You belong here. Have a seat. Take a sip. Have a bite. Come again. Karibu! It strikes me that we don’t even have a word that is equivalent in the English language. I have learned the value of “wantedness” after never once feeling unwanted by an African friend, old or new. Here I have found hospitality on steroids. I wish to do even half as well as my Tanzanian friends when I return to the USA at living in the spirit of Karibu!  

Hamna Shida (pronounced hahm-na shee-dah). Meaning: No problem. Everything is “hamna shida”! It’s simply astounding. Have a wheel fall off your car? Hamna shida, we will fix it right here right now for $3. You don’t have money? Hamna shida. Just pay some other day. You will be 6 hours late? Hamna shida, Karibu! Can you please come visit me on a 16 hour bus ride? Hamna shida! I planned to come but can’t make it. Hamna shida. The shop is closed and I need some salt. Hamna shida, karibu. The flexibility, adaptability, resourcefulness, creativity, patience and grace of Africa is unparalleled! What a joyous ebb and flow life takes on when everything is just “hamna shida.” I am still waiting to meet my first uptight Tanzanian. I have learned so much about relaxing and letting everything go as it flows. 

Mzungu. Meaning: White person. That is what many call us…at the store, on the road, at the bank. They loudly yell it and assume it to be a compliment. But I have learned a few things about what it means here. It means I am instantly given status I never earned and privilege I don’t deserve. It means I am rich, have power, and can easily abuse it. Mzungu is the clarion call to check myself, my heart, my intentions, my entitlement and submit them to the low and humble way of Jesus to come under, to wash feet and to serve. To me, Mzungu means I have a new kind of power…a power to override colonial thinking, to surprise a brother or sister with grace, and to lift them far above me in any way I can. A power called “self control” that allows me to listen instead of speak, to learn instead of lecture, to by humbled…and in this, we are both healed and changed.  

I close with the words of my dear friend John Arndt… “I have learned that the Africa I know and love will always be waiting for more adventurers, but asks of its many visitors to come in humility, because the Africa I know will change you, carve you deeper and twist you tighter than you could have ever imagined.”

Africa, it’s not over! We have many more years ahead together. Tutarudi!! You’re an amazing teacher and a precious friend.


One must be careful not to generalize Africa (which I write about here), so I speak only from my experience in just 12 of Africa's 54 nations. 

HERE I write about why I love Africans— and it captures much of what I still feel today. 

Also, when we departed South Africa after five years, I wrote THIS…which was my tribute to South Africa.